

Resources for Auxiliaries

This is where you'll find operating agreements and agreement templates--documents designed to help guide our auxiliary organizations as to compliance, sound business practices and other procedures.​

Auxiliary Operating Agreement Models
Auxiliary Operating Agreement ​(revised March 2024)

Au​xiliary Operating Agreement Student Union Lease Supplemental Clauses (Sections 26-36 are additional provisions for student unions only; revised March 2024)
Document Submission

New Auxiliaries

The university president should send an initial letter to the chancellor requesting to form a new auxiliary organization. The chancellor will provide a conditional approval to allow the university to prepare official formation documents. Once the official documents are avaialble, the university president should send a final request to recognize the auxiliary organization, accompanyed by executed official documents filed and stamped with the seal of the Secretary of State as required. The chancellor will respond with a letter confirming the status as a recognized CSU auxiliary organization in good standing.​

Official required documents:​

    • ​Articles of Incorporation
    • Bylaws
    • Tax-exempt determination letter
    • Charitable organization status letter
NOTE: To obtain the final approval from the Chancellor's Office for your operating agreement signature page, use your campus' electronic signature software, making sure the designated signer's email address is set to [email protected].​
Existing and Current Auxiliaries

The following forms are required for all auxiliaries in good standing:

1. Operating agreement (renewals or revisions) and attachments:
    • ​​Attachment 1: Auxiliary's conflict of interest policy
    • Attachment 2: Auxiliary's statement of policy on accumulation and use of public relations funds
    • Attachment 3: Articles of incorporation/restatement of articles
    • Attachment 4: Administration of Grants and Contracts (Auxiliary organizations that accept externally-funded grants, contracts or other agreements and list "Externally Funded Projects Including Research, Workshops, Conferences and Institutes" as one of their functions must provide this attachment.)​​ (revised March 2024)
​2. Bylaws

3. Articles of Incorporation
Submit all documents to:
Brad Wells
Associate Vice Chancellor, Business and Finance
CSU Office of the Chancellor
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach, CA 90802
[email protected]


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